
Are you tired of your baby beard and want to start growing a proper beard? Here are three easy to apply steps to help you achieve your epic man mane.


Step 1 – Use All Natural Beard Soap & Conditioner

Soap is one of the most important parts to curing baby beard. Find a soap that is packed full of oils and butters that will leave your pores moisturized as well as clean, like our Bossman Soap 😉 Make sure the soap is made of all-natural ingredients and has no foaming agents. The foaming agents strip your face of its natural oils, which creates beard dandruff and itchiness. No bueno.

Condition your beard 2-3 times a week. Find an all natural beard conditioner (no not your girlfriends) that you like. We obviously like Bossman Fortify. A great beard conditioner will help restore all the damage from the day to day grind of being a beard icon.


Step 2 – Use Beard Jelly or Beard Oil

You are doing yourself a disservice if you aren’t lubing that beard. I personally prefer Bossman Beard Jelly. I think it is a gamechanger. Some guys prefer beard oil. There are a lot of great products out there. Just make sure they are all natural ingredients. Chemicals and other bullshit will dry out your beard and give you the white flakes of death all over your beard. I like to lube my beard after I shower. Experiment and see what works best for you.


Step 3 – Brush your beard

This one is kind of a no brainer, but it is too important to leave off the list. Beard brushes suffer from the Goldilocks phenomenon, in which everybody wants theirs to be just right. I personally love the Bossman Brush, but the it is not a great starter brush or a brush for baby beards. The brush was designed for beards of moderate to epic proportions, not baby beards. Find a softer brush to start and then level up to the Bossman Brush.

If you are starting your journey to a better beard or leveling up your already awesome beard these three steps are the foundation that will get you there. What does your beard care routine look like?What do you guys use for beard conditioner? Do you prefer Beard Oil or Beard Jelly? What brushes do you guys like? Leave some love in the comments.